
Hu Lingru thought for a while and said, "I don’t know about this, but it’s not a bad thing for him no matter how long it takes!" "

Although Gao Chen’s strength didn’t change much during this period, his feelings for Wen Shian and Hu Lingru kept changing. At the very beginning, there was nothing to feel that Gao Chen was becoming more and more superior. Although Gao Chen was a twelfth order, at that time they would recognize Gao Chen as a deity if they were slightly induced. Of course, it has been decades, and now even they can’t see Gao Chen clearly. Although Gao Chen is still a twelfth order, they feel really hard to see clearly when facing Gao Chen. For example, when you look at the eleventh order at the tenth order, you will feel it when you look at the gods. But Gao Chen is a twelfth order, which is really a stranger thing for Wen Shian and Hu Lingru. From this, you can see that Gao Chen has changed a lot during this period! …
Wenshi ‘an nodded his head, although he was more worried in his heart, but he didn’t speak. Of course, Fox Ling Ru didn’t know that Wen Shi was anxious at ease at this time. Although Wenshi ‘an didn’t know that Gao Chen had a century to complete, he knew that Bai Xiaoyao’s centenary was coming to another world, but he still waited for Gao Chen. Compared with the science of uniting, Wu Xiu’s roots were nothing. After all, the science of uniting was where Wenshi ‘an grew up. Besides, there were many terrans over there. Before, He didn’t know what strength Gao Chen
Of course, what kind of mood would it be if Wen Shian knew that Gao Chen couldn’t let the god beast and sacred beast appear for a long time? After Wen Shian was anxious for half an hour, Gao Chen finally opened his eyes and looked at Wen Shian’s face calmly and said, "Elder!"
At this time, Gao Chen felt strange that he should have his emotions, but he didn’t expect a bite to be as calm as if life had never happened. When he heard this, Wen Shi’ an turned around and said with surprise, "It’s great that you are awake."
This scene is very strange. A twelfth order is more calm than a god, but a god is very excited. Although Gao Chen is also very excited, he still nodded calmly and said, "I didn’t have anything to do when I woke up!"
"It’s good to wake up. I’m afraid you can’t wake up within the time limit. We’ve always been here. What else can we do?" Wen Shian said with a smile!
Gao Chen smiled faintly. "It’s okay for ten years, but it’s enough!"
"Ten years is really enough." WenShiAn has some doubts that it’s a forbidden zone outside the Longteng Temple. Although the chaotic forces outside can’t say that they can kill the gods, even the gods can’t last long and they will die. Gao Chen said that returning to the practice world requires artifact fragments, but it’s outside and I don’t know where!
This is really where Gao Chen is worried, but now Gao Chen is not worried at all, because it is no longer difficult. Gao Chen is serious and confident. "Absolutely enough. Now it is time to find those guys!"
"Will it be too risky to go now? If it’s a little bit real, we can ignore them!" Wenshi ‘an certainly knows who Gao Chen said those guys are, but he feels that this is a bit too risky. After all, their strength is really inferior to each other now. After all, the beasts and sacred beasts are not high around Chen!
Gao Chen smiled at nothing and said, "It’s okay. I have to deal with them well so that I can feel at ease and do what needs to be done in the practice world!"
Gao Chen, of course, has his going. It is necessary that it is not easy to tell Wen Shian. Because of this, Wen Shian will be shocked and unbelievable. Many things are like this. No matter how good it is, it is better to make a result.
"So are you really sure!" Wenshi ‘an is still a little worried, but seeing Gao Chen’s seriousness and self-confidence can’t help but choose to believe that this is a very strange feeling. Besides, Gao Chen is very mysterious in his heart, and he is still the owner of this Longteng Temple, so he won’t encounter any danger!
Gao Chen said firmly, "Of course I’m going!"
After that, Gao Chen disappeared in the control room. What else did Wen Shi ‘an want to say to Gao Chen, but now it’s better to take back his words. Gao Chen will go to an image just like last time, but he never thought that this time Gao Chen actually went alone. He couldn’t help worrying. "Is this a little too risky? This should also take us with him!" …
Hu Lingru said leisurely, "Don’t worry, he won’t be in any danger!"
This time, Gao Chen didn’t say anything to her, which made Hu Lingru feel a little lost. It seems that she is still a pet and a dispensable pet root in Gao Chen’s heart, but Wen Shian is an elder in his heart. Gao Chen’s attitude is very obvious, which shows that Hu Lingru is really lost.
Gao Chen didn’t mean that, of course. It means that he doesn’t know what’s going on now. It seems that his feelings have changed a lot, and he doesn’t care about many things. Out of the control room, Gao Chen directly appeared in front of Hu Jingsheng, etc. Good, that is, he directly appeared in front of Hu Jingsheng. This is a whole layer. For Gao Chen, the biggest advantage is not that the experience value is one percent higher than the previous one, nor that the attribute is ten times higher, but that he controls the Dragon Temple. The increase in understanding of heaven makes it easier for Gao Chen to make a lot of The original strength of Gao Chen can’t make the function. This is the most surprising place of Gao Chen. If it weren’t for this, Gao Chen wouldn’t be in front of the tiger, the sage, etc. at this time. Otherwise, it would be death!
Gao Chen’s sudden appearance naturally startled Hu Jingsheng and others. Hu Jingsheng felt that Gao Chen was different now, and his face was more ugly than it was unbelievable. He said, "You have completely controlled the Longteng Temple!" To be continued If you like this movie, you are welcome to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Chapter five hundred and forty-three Become a pet or leave Longteng Temple.
It’s normal for the Tiger Worship Association to have such a reaction. He wants to come. If Gao Chen is now in complete control of the Longteng Temple, he really can’t find how Gao Chen can suddenly appear in front of him, and now he can’t see through Gao Chen, but Gao Chen is a twelfth order. This is really a strange feeling. If Gao Chen’s strength has surpassed his tiger worship, how can he not believe what has happened? There is a possibility that Gao Chen has completely controlled the Longteng Temple.
As soon as Hu Jing’s holy words came out, the faces of several gods with him became a little panicked. Over the years, they have been looking for Gao Chen. For these gods, decades should be a snap, but now these decades are too long for them, making them feel even more difficult than tens of millions of years ago, but now Gao Chen appears in front of them without giving them the feeling of releasing the burden.
Gao Chen smiled and finished taking control of Longteng Temple. Although I want to, I haven’t done it yet.
When this was said, the tiger’s face was much better, but that didn’t mean that he had settled his uneasy feelings, but it didn’t decrease at all. He still said solemnly, I don’t know what it is that you come out to see us now.
After the appearance of Gao Chen, the gods such as the tiger and the sage were shrouded in an ominous feeling. It seems that Gao Chen’s appearance made them face a great threat. Although Gao Chen’s strength is still in the twelfth order, it is not a small threat to them. It is definitely not a good thing for them to appear now. If Gao Chen is not sure, he will not appear at this time. It will make them unable to find Gao Chen for decades or even hundreds of years. This is not difficult, but since Gao Chen has appeared in front of them, that is to say, they have no threat to Gao Chen, and they have mastered it.
Gao Chen smiled and said, haven’t you been looking for me? I’m here now. You should be worried. Of course, I came to see you. Naturally, Longteng Palace is our Terran Palace. You already know this.
Although Gao Chen said this casually, it was just like asking for advice, but did he really ask for their advice? Although they really wanted to say that this Longteng Temple belongs to the whole martial arts world, saying this at this time is obviously to find Gao Chen, which is obviously a rude awakening. Looking at Gao Chen with a dignified face, what are you trying to say?
If possible, he really wants to kill Gao Chen, but he dare not take such a risk. First of all, he doesn’t know whether Gao Chen in front of him is a statue or a virtual shadow at this time. Isn’t this a wave expression? And even if it is a statue of Gao Chen, do they really have the ability to kill Gao Chen? Although Gao Chen is twelve orders and they are not a god, there is no need to ask questions, but at this time they have no confidence. In this case, Gao Chen is still that kind. It’s very casual. It’s very simple. Since you don’t deny this place, our Terran, of course, even if you deny that it’s our Terran, you can’t deny that it’s me now. Since I’ve been in my place for so long, should I charge some rent for this?
What rent Gao Chen said, Hu Jingsheng asked completely, but his face became more alert, and so did his gods.
Gao Chen thought for a while, so I said, since you gave me something, will it cost you a little?
This made several gods look at Gao Chen with a quiver in their hearts, but at this time, there was no mouth. Obviously, this gesture was given to Hu Jingsheng. Hu Jingsheng’s face suddenly became a little ferocious. You want us to pay the price. Why do you want us to pay the price …
At this time, Hu Jingsheng’s face was a little ferocious in anger. He looked at Gao Chen, but he was the most powerful god in the martial arts world. Er, at least for a long time, he thought so, but Gao Chen was a small twelfth-order, but he dared to talk to him like this. How could he not be angry? If there was a twelfth-order life who dared to talk to him like this, he would have been destroyed many times. Gao Chengen looked at Hu Jingsheng with anger and shook his head. He said, You are so unreasonable. I want you to pay a little price. What’s too much?
What if I don’t pay? Hu Jingsheng looked at Gao Chen and asked him, at this time, he has already put together a mind. After all, it is too difficult for him to accept what Gao Chen is saying now.
Gao Chen doesn’t want to have too many waves when he looks at Tiger Jingsheng. His face smiles and says, You really decided not to pay such a price, didn’t you?
Gao Chen’s face made Hu Jingsheng’s heart uneasy even more. At this time, there seems to be a great threat to him, which made him want to be soft for a time, but he still has a lot of backbone. Hum, you are not qualified just because you want me to pay the price.
Gao Chen’s mouth slightly tilted. It’s not a question of qualification. Since you don’t want to pay the price, go out.
What are you talking about? Where did you get scared?
But Gao Chen didn’t answer him. Nothing moved, but Hu Jingsheng was horrified to find a powerful force. This kind of power is no stranger to Hu Jingsheng, because this is the energy that the Longteng Temple forced people out. Is Gao Chen frightened in his heart? Although he has controlled this function with the greatest strength to refuse, he still failed. It is a moment that Hu Jingsheng has been sent out of the Longteng Temple. Just after he left the Longteng Temple, Hu Jingsheng is a painful cry because chaotic forces have eroded him.
Although Tiger Jingsheng is very strong in stopping it, it won’t last long when he looks very obvious. Sometimes, when he is frightened and wants to plead, suddenly the god beast appears in front of him, and the root of the god beast is eroded by chaotic forces. This shows that the god beast is really not a level opponent with them. Seeing that Tiger Jingsheng said that you are out, you will die. Don’t wait outside. Can you still live?
What do you mean? Hu Jingsheng is a little frightened and pretentious. He really has that kind of luck.
God beast Tao is full of chaotic forces, and martial arts circles protect you. These laws of gods have long since disappeared, and it has become a joke that you will die when you come out.
The tiger worships the saint and is busy saying help me. Please help me.
He believed the words of the god beast. Of course, it was because of these chaotic forces that he felt that they were no strangers to chaotic forces. You know, at the beginning, they saw the chaotic forces on the edge of the martial arts world and how this chaotic force made a god disappear easily. At that time, the martial arts world or Ann didn’t care much about the chaotic forces outside, but now the whole martial arts world seems to be in chaos. Where is there? It’s a pity that the god beast shook his head and said, since you were sent out by your master, it must have angered your master. How can I help you?
Tiger worships the holy spirit. In this short time, chaotic forces erode and panic, and he finds that his body has been corroded. Even more world forces can’t make up for it, and at this time, he can’t get into himself. This makes him even more frightened. No, I really didn’t offend him. I promised him that I would pay any price.
It’s too late to say this. It’s not a god beast, but a high-rise dragon temple.
After sending Tiger Jingsheng out, Gao Chen let a few gods go wrong. It should be said that all the gods in Longteng Temple saw Tiger Jingsheng’s encounter with Gao Chen, but it is not a simple matter to know that these gods are difficult to recover them. These gods are really a little arrogant, so they need to find a bully and Tiger Jingsheng becomes this sad guy. Who wants him to be heavy enough? In the frightened eyes of the gods, Tiger Jingsheng’s body is slowly eroded by chaotic forces and then disappears little by little until it is finally crushed into dust and disappears from everyone’s sight …