
"Well, if you don’t believe me, there’s nothing I can do. Then you’ll know that the young master’s speech is not false." Huangfu Zhantian smiled.

"Haha, just wait for you!" The old man called "big laughs"
"Henaan, you hide in the distance first and rest assured that I can handle him!" Any suspection.i Zhantian turned to spend feather way [
"Then be careful yourself!" Although Henaan was very worried in her heart, she didn’t stop because she knew that Huangfu Zhantian had indeed killed two evil robbers at the Lord level when Henaan withdrew from a long distance and looked at Huangfu Zhantian and the old man.
"Come on, smelly little statue, wait for you here without attacking you first!" The old man obviously didn’t put any suspection.i Zhantian at ease. It would be nice if he could break his defense.
"Well, thank you! You can remember what you said. Don’t deny it then! " Huangfu Zhantian smiled and thanked him. After that, he directly threw Raytheon’s hammer into the small world and forced the chaotic jade seal out of the body. He didn’t swell the chaotic jade seal. Although it covered a very wide range, it was easy to alert the old thing. He didn’t expect the old thing to stand still in the face of his attack.
"It’s so funny that you can’t be such a small piece of junk. I find that I like you more and more now, and I’m a little reluctant to kill you!" When the old man saw the palm-sized chaotic jade seal in the hands of Huangfu Zhantian, he immediately laughed arrogantly.
"Bah … who made you like this old thing? It’s really the old glass master’s interest orientation is very normal. You can get as far away as you want!" Any suspection.i Zhantian immediately shuddered after hearing the old man’s words, and then righteous words said
"Bastard!" When the old man heard the words of Huangfu Zhantian, he immediately trembled with anger and wanted to twist Huangfu Zhantian’s head. But when he thought of his brave words just now, he choked back his anger and glared at Huangfu Zhantian as if he wanted to kill Huangfu Zhantian with his eyes.
"Old glass see what see? I can’t wait for a young man to break your body and imprison your soul. Then I’ll see if you are arrogant! " Suspection.i war, as in secretly said that he didn’t want to stimulate him with language. If you play against yourself before stimulating him, wouldn’t it be more loss than gain?
"Stinky, do you want to attack or not?" The old man hates Huangfu Zhantian at this time, and his roots itch. Now he very much hopes that Huangfu Zhantian will attack quickly, and then he can give this damn little bitch a good lesson.
"What’s the hurry? I’ve attacked many times. Once, I didn’t have a good memory. Are you afraid?" Any suspection.i zhantian a face of despise way
"Hum quickly!" The old man a face of impatient way
"Wait for you to look good!" Any suspection.i war whisper a day and then pour the body thor qi into it, at the same time, Dan medicine is like eating jelly beans and put it in your mouth to restore the body loss thor qi.
Watching Huangfu Zhantian move, although the old man did not believe that Huangfu Zhantian could threaten him, those who moved Huangfu Zhantian said that there was no good fart in this small place, but he still did not take action. A fighter must have strong self-confidence in himself in order to win in the face of an enemy stronger than himself.
"You can connect it!" After a good half-day, Huangfu Zhantian cracked his mouth and laughed because he instilled it very slowly and filled his body with Raytheon’s true qi.
"Hum Zun has been waiting for a long time because I hope you won’t let Zun down!" The old man looked at the square jade seal in the hands of suspection.i Zhantian and immediately smiled contemptuously. He didn’t feel a strong energy fluctuation from this jade seal, which is equivalent to the energy fluctuation of ordinary day order weapons.
"Chaos Jade Seal Control!" Any suspection.i cold drink a hand chaotic jade seal suddenly thrown toward the old man mercilessly thrown in the past.
Looking at the old man who flew to his chaotic jade seal, he didn’t even move, but held out his hand to meet the chaotic jade seal.
See this old man move suspection.i Zhantian immediately laughed.
"extinction!" Any suspection.i Zhantian drink a way as any suspection.i Zhantian drinks cold, the original speed is not fast, the energy fluctuation is not strong, and the speed in the eyes of the old man’s horror, fear and despair suddenly becomes faster. The breath of chaotic jade seal suddenly radiates out, and it is desolate and ancient, and it contains the power of heaven and earth, which makes his heart already cold.
"Ah, dream about your life!" At this time, the old man couldn’t keep calm any longer. A huge shield appeared in his hand, while a set of lacquered black armor appeared on his body. At the same time, he grabbed a sledgehammer in the other hand, and then his feet slammed into the face and his body crashed towards the chaotic jade seal. However, because of the chaotic jade seal hanging over him, his speed has been suppressed to a very horrible level. His current speed is the same as that when Huangfu Zhantian just learned to fly [
Chaos Jade Seal directly smashed the hammer face of the old man. The hammer steps looked very good and should have reached the level of sacristy. However, there was no resistance at all in front of chaos Jade Seal, and then the huge shield in his hand was crushed into pieces. This shield looks much better than that hammer. It was not broken after being hit by chaos Jade Seal, but the energy protection layer distributed by the old man was consumed. Section 177: Killing.
"Get out of here!" After the old man’s sledgehammer was destroyed, his mind was also hit hard. When the energy protective film on his shield surface was broken, the black death force of his body suddenly gushed out, and then the shield in his hand was suddenly pushed, which gathered his strength and pushed the chaotic jade seal away several meters, while he took this opportunity to desperately resist the power from the chaotic jade seal and flashed out several meters away from the chaotic jade seal.
"Damn it, stinky little man, I’m going to rip your soul out and make you suffer from me forever!" At this time, the old man finally knew in his heart that the young man was not easy to handle, and he was afraid that if he had not given up the unique Hallows and the middle-ranking Hallows, he would have folded here this time, which made him as surprised as angry.
"Ah, you said that you are also a senior. You just talked like farting and said that you forgot. Didn’t you say you didn’t flash or hide? It’ s so faithless to be a person now! " Any suspection.i Zhantian a harrowing experience said to the old man
"You …! Go to hell! " Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, the old man was trembling with anger. He actually asked himself not to hide here. If he didn’t hide, I’m afraid there wouldn’t be any residue left. It seems that it’s true that this little man killed the two of them. He can’t stay any longer. If this little man comes again, he will be finished.
Thought of here, he came to kill Huangfu Zhantian, but he just stepped up and immediately changed, and then quickly fled toward the distance [
"I don’t have it!" Huangfu Zhantian saw this guy move and immediately cursed with anger. He came to return this guy to fight hard with himself, but he didn’t expect him to run away.
"You can’t run away!" While watching Henaan stopped the old man.
"get out!" The old man has been suspection.i Zhantian tourist trap at this time, and suddenly with a wave of his hand, he painted black death force and went to Henaan’s neck for beheading.
"Henaan, look out!" Seeing this scene, suspection.i Zhantian suddenly became terrible and hurriedly woke up.
"You want to die!" Henaan saw each other’s eyes after moving, but it was a flash of light. With a wave of his hand, the green silk suddenly destroyed Henaan’s face, but Henaan didn’t let the green silk in his hand wave again and tied the old man directly.
"die!" Coming to Huangfu Zhantian, I saw that Henaan had a thrilling murder in his heart, and then the chaotic jade seal smashed the old man’s head and then took control of his whole body
"Is Henaan all right?" Any suspection.i Zhantian concerns at Henaan asked.
"Don’t worry, I’m fine. This guy can’t stand me if you don’t do it!" Henaan shook his head a way
"Well, I’ll deal with this guy first!" Any suspection.i war days after finish will directly chaos jade seal a closed jade seal bottom whoosh fly out a soul.
"Where are you going? Get back here!" Any suspection.i war days cold hum a huge soul force mercilessly swept past a soul force to control this old guy.
"I told you so long ago, but you don’t believe it!" Any suspection.i war day put this old guy in the jade bottle after mouth quipped.
"How can you have such a strong power? You are just a god. It is impossible, absolutely impossible. How can you be defeated by a god? No, I am not reconciled!" The old man let out a piercing shout.
"Hum, I don’t care if you are willing to rest assured that I won’t kill you, but you have to enjoy it first!" With that, suspection.i Zhantian directly threw this guy into the small world and put it together with the two old guys’ soul jade bottles, thus saving them loneliness.
"Xiaotian, are you okay?" Henaan see suspection.i Zhantian caught the old guy, although know suspection.i Zhantian nothing but still can’t help but ask 1.
"I’m fine. Someone’s coming!" Any suspection.i war day shook his head, but soon he felt a few energy fluctuations in the distance.
"Smelly little bastards?" It is Jiang Ruyi who just came here to see Huangfu Zhantian, and Jiang Ruyi was forced to ask Huangfu Zhantian.
"Dead!" Any suspection.i war day shrugged his shoulders and said
"Dead? How is that possible? We ran away for nothing. I knew you’d come here and we wouldn’t come here with our old arms and legs! " Dream some horror, because he could feel the fighting just now, although it was not big, but the energy fluctuation was very strong when the fighting broke out.
"Yeah, I’m dead, but I’m late. Those chamber of commerce people have been killed by these damn bastards!" Any suspection.i war days a little regret way [