
For example, when her bun is messy and her clothes are not neat, his eyes will never look around.

He’s taking advantage of it all fair and square!
Go back to LuLian Fangzhou and tell Jane what happened in the bag today.
Jane has been listening quietly and is a little funny. This woman’s answer like that really makes people angry!
"I said that the boss Wang was taught a lesson and dared to rush to provoke you. It turned out to be driven by interests!" Jane picked his eyebrows and looked back at her. "This cotton is too profitable! No wonder! "
It is true that the cotton purchase price has already exceeded five taels of silver a catty, because there are also vendors from other places flooding into the competition to buy businesses and have to keep raising prices!
And this has caused many people to wait and see, and things are getting out of hand!
What’s more, the cotton brothers turned against each other, neighborhood disputes and fights, theft and so on have also increased.
Even fangzhou knows a lot about this because she is so nosy and inquisitive about divination.
Think of these even fangzhou frowned. I really don’t know what the mind of this county grandfather is. Isn’t it too easy for him to be an official? He doesn’t care about these things!
"There are many people who are tempted, but they dare to make an idea. Since they dare to move this idea, I am afraid they may not be willing to let it go easily!" Jane added
"Fortunately, it has been collected almost strictly, and Ding Taifu and County Taiye have personally visited and Sue’s family expected that no one else dared to sliver! To them, "even Fang Zhou pie pie", "I just ignore them later!"
"Say yes!" Jane thought that the boss Wang was from the county town, and that Xiao was not a local person, so she was relieved.
"When I’m busy for a while, I’ll avoid going to Xiuyuan for a few more days to relax, okay?" Even fangzhou stretched himself and smiled lazily.
There are not only beautiful scenery in Xiuyuan, but also a riding room, a swimming pool with a heated kang at the bottom and many other interesting things.
"Well, it’s very quiet there. Let’s stay a little longer!" Jane smiled at her back and looked extremely gentle.
He naturally look forward to being in a quiet place where no one disturb him and she is there.
Even Fang Zhou’s face spat gently with a hot smile, and she sat with her eyes folded and ignored him.
Jane smiled "ha ha" and turned her head to concentrate on driving. She wondered whether she should persuade her to buy a carriage to go out one of these days, which would be convenient for many winds to blow and the sun to shine …
It’s been quiet for two days in a row. Two days ago, things even stopped worrying about Fangzhou.
If you don’t take it yourself, they say nothing! Even if you want to provoke Sue’s cousin and cousin-in-law, it’s not a fool!
Even fangzhou is not worried at all.
On this day, even Fang Zhou’s third aunt who came home late handed her a letter.
Looking at it, Lian Fangzhou was dazed and asked his third aunt who sent this letter.
Where can the third aunt remember such a trivial matter in her opinion? "It’s just an ordinary man who looks ordinary anyway!"
If you say it, you don’t say it.
And what does the third aunt look like? Is that the point?
Even Fang Zhou put away his questioning mind and asked Jane to talk about it privately.
Jane read the letter and asked the same thing, "Who sent this?"
Even Fang Zhou smiled and repeated the three aunts’ words.
"Surely the other party doesn’t want us to know his identity! However, this letter has to be well guarded against things! " Jane picked his eyebrows and said
The words in this letter are implicit, but it is easy to understand at a glance.
It is said in the letter that Mrs. County Grandfather is very likely to be unfavorable to Lian Fangzhou, and Zhao Rujun is very diligent in going to Mrs. County Grandfather recently. It is very likely that she has it!
Mrs. County Grandfather doesn’t even know Fangzhou, but Zhao Rujun has a feud. This guy is restless again and incited Mrs. County Grandfather!
"Want to Sue home back to teach her a lesson is too light! I didn’t expect her to make waves! " Jane eyes light a folding of the coldly say
"Jane, please help me think about it." Even Fang Zhou’s eyebrows puckered and she tilted her head and thought, "Please help me think about where I have offended this Zhao Rujun. Why is she so haunted?"
Jane raised her eyebrows and said, "You haven’t offended her, but she doesn’t know how to live or die! This time, if she doesn’t know how to be good or bad, we won’t be polite! "
This is to completely destroy Zhao Rujun.
Shao Lian Fang Zhou recognized that this was the meaning.
She looked at Jane unconsciously.
Jane smiled and shook her hand gently. "Leave it to me!"
Even Fang Zhou "oh" couldn’t help but ask a little silly "but she is a woman-do you really have to deal with her? And aren’t you afraid of people saying that you are not a hero? "
According to Lian Fangzhou, men care about such a name!
Jane laughed. "Where did you hear any fallacies!" She said seriously, "In my eyes, no man or woman has her own people and enemies. Besides, if she is an insider, she should have learned a lesson. Who does she blame?"