
Nodding, these people immediately spread out and groped forward, while Sutton immediately called others around him to retreat.

The bone emperor has some doubts. "Are there no problems with these people?"
Sutton said with great certainty, "There is no problem. They can definitely do it. After a while, there will be a strong impact. The whole underground palace may collapse. Let’s go out and take shelter."
"Avoid?" The bone emperor showed pride. "Do I have to hide?"
"Where to stay here?" Hate day sneers and quickly retreats out with Sutton people.
"Yu?" The bone emperor looked suspicious, but he didn’t insist on staying. After all, both of them were fired, and he wouldn’t stay here to be big.
Fortunately, he ran fast and just came to the first floor. When everyone left the underground, the underground was already crumbling. But this time, even the very hard ground was cracked.
Bone emperor said in surprise, "Sutton, you people are really amazing!" A few people actually made such a big noise! "
Sutton said flatly, "Of course, their own lives are exchanged for this opportunity. How can they not be heroic?"
"ah!" The bone emperor was surprised and asked quietly, "Do you have many hands like this?"
"Not much" Sutton still kept that tone and glanced at the bone emperor "definitely not a little"
"Hey, hey, this is a very strong force." The bone emperor was quietly excited, and his fist was bouncing.
"Idiot!" Sutton, Hate Heaven and Leng Yan Beauty and Cold Youth in front of the monitor have defined the Bone Emperor at the same time. But is it really so reckless to be able to become one of the seven monarchs in the underworld?
Several Sutton departments do have great strength, especially the amazing power of directional self-explosion. A hole of more than ten meters in Fiona Fang was abruptly blown out, causing various buildings to fly tens of meters high, which accidentally injured several unlucky biochemical people nearby. If it hadn’t been already greeted, I’m afraid the fragile bj would have been disrupted.
By way of digression, the population of bj, the former world’s top ten city, has dropped by one-third due to repeated fierce battles, and there is still a tendency to drop sharply. Many rich people and big companies have "sought another job", which has caused headaches for bj leaders. Those high-ranking people dare not provoke and hope that they can be transferred as soon as possible …
I’ll talk about it later. When I saw the big hole blown out in the underground palace, a few people knew what was so difficult to capture. The tunnel from the sixth floor to the seventh floor was actually blocked by metal with a thickness of several meters. Without these death squads, I really don’t know how hard it would take to fly. Of course, they know that there must be another plane here, but they don’t know anything about machine ambush. Anyway, violent cracking along the way will also solve the problem
"I don’t know what kind of face is first?" Hate day looked at the face and asked
The Bone Emperor glanced at Hating Heaven and said stiffly, "Hating Heaven seems that you have lost not only your strength, but also your courage. I’ll go first because I’m timid in doing everything!"
"Wait," Sutton said. "Let’s go together so that we can take care of it."
Hate day, of course, is not timid words here, he also don’t hesitate to "do it" three people first jumped into the seven layers.
"Sister, what if they come?" After all, it’s her first time here and she doesn’t know much about the underground environment.
Ruer has answers. "No, anyway, we have long planned to give up here. It is also good to have them buried together."
Duoduo was surprised to say, "Sister, it’s so good here …"
"Giggle a lot, you can rest assured that my husband has the money to let him build another one for us." Sasha exhorted the girls to listen to the funny heart. It turned out that her husband was a sucker in Sasha’s heart!
"When we are ready, our horses will be withdrawn," Ruer said softly. "They will probably walk a little smaller outside our door."
Look at Ruer’s caution. Everyone is not nervous. Qingya suddenly smiled. "Don’t worry, they won’t find it." Sure enough, the big screen "crept". The enemy passed through the control room from the front of the control room while carefully looking for the doorway to the control room, but it was very closely hidden and it was difficult for outsiders to find it.
-unless they violently destroy again.
"Let’s all go. I’ll take care of it here," Qingya said.
"Sister Qingya, let’s get together." Wu Yueer insisted on not abandoning her sister.
"Sister, don’t worry. Second sister knows everything about this place. She can handle it by herself, and our sisters are not free." Angry and charming laughed.
"Five sisters, let’s stay here." Although the strength is different, she and jathyapple are full-time bodyguards, which is naturally more professional.
"Well, besides, the enemy is coming in. Don’t worry, let’s go and leave here." Qingya said without looking back.
Ruer said in due course, "Listen to Second Sister, she is right."
Now that the elder sister has said so, the daughters have no opinions. After all, Qingya has always been lonely, giving people a mysterious feeling, perhaps superior in strength.
After all the people went out from a small door next to them, Qingya pressed a blue button for a moment. Later, all the women sat on the sofa and suddenly slipped out from the inside. A dozen people looked the same with black sunglasses.
In front of the head, the tallest big black west exit "What can I do for you, miss?"