
Meng Qi tried his best to lean against the stone gate again, panting heavily, but now there is no Zi Xuan to massage Meng Qineng’s water aura and slowly moisten his arm. After about half a column of incense, Meng Qi felt that his arm seemed to move and walked to the front of the blood pool.

At this time, Haichen still didn’t notice that Meng Qi was quietly hanging in the blood pool, and the bloody fog was still not urgent or slow to enter the other body.
Meng Qi hesitated. He didn’t believe that Hai Chen would be a milli-defense place. Meng Qi was not going to capture him directly, but to accumulate strength. Then he offered a purple and gold cone and sent out a sunflower water thunder.
I saw a fist-thick blue Lei Guang flash and then I went at Haichen, but now the thunder entered the blood pool and it was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, and the blood pool suddenly moved.
As if it were a huge wave in the sea, a thick blood churned up from the blood pool to form a blood wave, which was blocking Meng Qikui’s water god’s lightning strike on his way to the sea.
Meng Qi saw that his Kwai Shui Shen Lei was drowned by the blood wave, although some blood evaporated, but for that huge blood pool, that blood was just nine Niu Yi hairs.
Moreover, the blood wave did not stop after drowning Meng Qikui’s water god thunder, but when it hit the shore, the land next to the blood pool became scarlet.
It’s disgusting that blood gas has entered Meng Qi’s nostrils. Meng Qi frowned. If you don’t fix this blood pool like this, I’m afraid it will hurt Hai Chen.
Just as Meng Qi was thinking about how to deal with this blood pool, the sticky blood splashed on the shore was full of crawling as if it suddenly had life.
The blood gathered together and became an irregular liquid ball, and Meng Qi was awakened from his thinking by the liquid ball.
Staring at the liquid ball that kept crawling in front of me, Meng Qi frowned and then sent out a sunflower water god thunder. This time, Meng Qikui water god thunder didn’t hit the blood ball because the blood ball seemed to know that Meng Qi’s sunflower water god thunder power flashed and hid in the past.
And the kwai water god ray is once again entered the blood pool behind the blood ball, which once again set off a blood wave, and the blood wave hit the shore again and turned into a blood ball again.
This Meng Qi knew that something was wrong. He carefully looked at those blood balls and no longer rashly sent out a sunflower water thunder, otherwise more and more blood balls would not be a good thing.
After a while, those blood balls actually melted into two blood-red giant wolves with red hair, red eyes and red teeth, which were more scarlet than these, and they smelled bloody and stinky all over.
After the two blood wolves were formed, they rushed towards Meng Qichong.
Meng Qi easily flashed the two blood wolves to attack and hit two Kwai Shui Shen Lei. This time, Meng Qi Shen Lei was in the middle of two blood wolves and hit two big holes in the waist and head respectively. Meng Qi was surprised that he didn’t expect to hit so easily and cause so much damage.
Just when Meng Qi wondered, the place where the two blood wolves were punctured was a burst of blood gas tumbling, and then they actually crossed two blood gases from the blood pool, and then the hole suddenly disappeared.
This Meng Qi frowned, so that’s it. No wonder it caused such a big effect just now. It turned out that Meng Qi knew it was difficult to look at two instantaneous recovery blood wolves.
However, although these two blood wolves are not afraid of Meng Qi’s attack, they are roots that even Meng Qi can’t touch. After considering it for a while, Meng Qi simply ignores these two blood wolves and goes directly to the blood pool.
But not surprisingly, Meng Qi calmed down after he entered the blood pool, and the blood waves churned up again, and then a huge blood curtain suddenly rose in front of Meng Qi.
Meng Qi whisking is a flash of Lei Guang. This is Meng Qi’s understanding of the change of Kwai Shui Shen Lei. It seems to be a densely woven fishing net, and the lei net is moving towards the curtain of blood.
When the curtain of blood was met by a thunder net, it was to burn a big hole in the curtain by the flame, and Meng Qi drilled through it. This curtain of blood turned out to be broken like this.
However, a blood wall has risen behind the scenes of crossing this blood. Meng Qi has done the same thing again, but the thunder net he has built now is not enough to penetrate the thick blood wall.
Meng Qi shook his head and then fell back, but at this moment, there was a blood-red light flashing behind Meng Qi. He couldn’t dodge Meng Qi’s golden scales and then turned to aim at the red light and smashed it.
Meng Qi was dissatisfied with the scales, and a burst of smoke appeared in his fist. Then the original hard scales were actually melted out of a small hole with a thick finger, and the edge of the small hole was still blackened and zi zi. What actually corroded Meng Qi’s scales?
Looking up, I saw a blood wolf with his mouth wide open, and there was a faint red light flashing deep in his throat. Meng Qi’s eyes narrowed, and then he used the shadow escape technique to flash to one side.
Just as Meng Qi just moved the blood wolf’s throat, he shot a red light to the place where Meng Qigang just hung.
Meng Qi has some doubts. Didn’t there be two blood wolves just now? Why is there only one left now? However, after carefully looking at the blood wolf, Meng Qi found that the blood wolf was already a big circle and its hair was more shiny.
In addition, Meng Qi, who has never seen a red light attack just now, estimates that the two blood wolves are fused together, and it is not surprising that both of them are composed of blood.
Meng Qi returned to the shore after avoiding the red light attack, but Meng Qiyi disappeared into the sight of the blood wolf because of his shadow evasion.
The blood wolf sniffed his nose, but there was a smell of blood in the air, but he was not so worried if Meng Qi didn’t harm Haichen. He sat in front of the blood pool like a sentry in charge and looked at everything around the blood pool warily.
And Meng Qi is to cast a shadow escape to the sea Chen again, but after entering the blood pool, Meng Qi feels as if there is something staring at himself and turning his head, which is actually the blood wolf, and a blood wall appears again before him. It seems that shadow escape can’t fool this blood pool.
And the blood wolf opened his mouth again to launch the red light. Meng Qi looked at it and no longer rushed back. Once he left the blood pool, the blood wolf lost Meng Qi’s whereabouts again.
Meng Qi hesitated and decided to use his own big killer-Silent Meng Qi didn’t use silence because he was afraid of Haichen’s injury. What if he killed it directly? Meng Qi won’t make some profits. Wouldn’t it ruin Cheng Rewei’s news if Haichen died?
However, in this blood pool, protecting Hai Chen and Meng Qi’s root method can also make him alive, so there is nothing in this blood pool because he can shuttle directly to Hai Chen’s body. Even if Hai Chen is not injured, Meng Qi believes that if he actually eats himself, it will definitely make him seriously injured.
Because Meng Qi’s display of silence now is all force, and it is not easy to control the power of silence, there is a strange atmosphere in this cave when silence condenses.
Meng Qi can feel the power converge to his own hands again, and when this power reaches a peak, there will be a quantitative change to a qualitative change, and that is when silence is formed.
It is difficult for others to feel this kind of feeling, but the blood pool is unusual. It didn’t take long for Meng Qi to condense and die, and the blood in the blood pool was frantically churning, just like a pot of red asphalt was burned, and red bubbles rose one after another.
Then a lot of blood fog rose and attached to the blood wolf on the shore. Meng Qi could clearly feel that the blood wolf’s strength was growing rapidly after absorbing these bloody fog.
Meng Qi knew that once the blood wolf stopped, it would be hard for him. Meng Qi gathered strength and expected to complete his own silence before the blood wolf completed its metamorphosis.
However, Meng Qi is still a little slow after all. After absorbing the fog, the blood wolf becomes stronger and stronger than before. If it is necessary to repair the shape, it is less to repair it later.
Not only that, but the red fog is still rising and gathering towards the sea at an extremely fast speed, and the sea Chen Ye is nourished and revived by these bloody fog, and his original pale face has become rosy.
Seeing this situation, Meng Qi knew that he didn’t have much time, and now he must quickly complete his silence.
But the blood wolf won’t give Meng Qi this opportunity. At the moment when it absorbs the blood fog, it has already rushed towards Meng Qi.
This is not the speed of the blood wolf just now. I don’t know how many places Meng Qi has already prepared, but I still haven’t finished avoiding the blow to resist the blood wolf attack. Meng Qi had to hold out his left hand and demonize it at the same time.
Meng Qi’s left hand has three scratches, and at the edge of the scratches, a kind of red blood force is trying to further destroy Meng Qi’s wound. Just now, the blood wolf red light attack is exactly the same, but I don’t know how much stronger it is.
Meng Qi, while banishing the hateful red aura, looked at himself with black and white light. Although Meng Qi, the right hand, sacrificed his left hand, it was not that there was no silence anywhere. At this time, it was in Meng Qi’s hands that this horrible power was emitted.
Chapter two hundred and twelve Won?