
Li Fei doesn’t know how his face looks at the moment. He is a little blocked and impatient, saying "No"

Tian Xu also wants to say what was pulled aside by Fang Lian-ning. "Don’t make trouble. He is annoyed at this moment."
"So do you two want us to help you brush it?" Tian Xu some don’t understand these two people.
Fang Lian Ning Nai said, "No", they are not true lovers. At ordinary times, others like to mess around, even if they don’t care much, but if Tian Xu is not stopped at this time, they will be out of control after brushing some.
"All right, all right." Tian Xu shrugged his shoulders and said something. Forget it. Since people don’t want help, they don’t want to go.
"Lao Li, don’t pay too much attention to them. Those people who listen to the news that the wind is rain are all brushing. Don’t take it to heart," Fang Lianning comforted.
Li Fei looked at Fang Lian Ning in front of him now with a puzzled face. "What should I care about? Do you have it with me? "
Li Fei’s words directly choked Fang Lian’s lemon. To be honest, looking at Li Fei like this, she was very unhappy, but it happened that she could do nothing but give some pale comfort.
Ah, I really don’t understand how everyone is dead and proud, whether it’s ridiculous or unfair. I just refuse to admit what I think. Isn’t it delicious to be frank? Fang Lian-ning thought so.
"Little lemon, you come here." As soon as Yang’s charming words were finished, he dragged Fang Lianning away.
Fang Lian-ning’s eyes motioned for blasted into the ground to look after Li Fei, who gave a "don’t worry" look.
Fang Lianning was pulled aside by Yang. "What’s the matter?"
"Lemon, what do you think?" Yang charming seriously asked.
"Ah?" Fang Lian-ning was puzzled by these words.
"It’s you, Li Fei and Wen Ren. You’ve always been like this. It’s not good for three people to get together." Yang glanced at Li Fei and Wen Ren Yi.
"Is there a problem?" Fang Lian-ning still didn’t get what Bai Yang really wanted to say.
"You are in love with Li Fei now, so stay away from being blasted into people. Don’t give him some strange thoughts or let others see you." Yang Jiao leaned close to Xiao Fang Lianning’s ear.
Fang Lian lemon expression strange "strange thoughts? Someone else? We? " Then the right hand hammered a left hand. "Oh ~ I see. You like to smell people, don’t you? I’ll help you ~ "
Yang charming language directly hand ruthlessly took a ripple lemon head "are you really stupid or playing dumb? I like you. Can’t you see? It is not good for anyone to have a threesome like this all the time. "
Fang Lian lemon holding the hurt head expression more bizarre "did you see anything unclean recently blasted into like me? Don’t be ridiculous and … we’re not what you think. "
Yang looked at her suspiciously. "Why are you so sure?"
Fang Lianning took one look at Li Fei, then gave a long sigh and looked at Yang’s charming. "What’s that? Your ear leaned in a little. I’ll tell you a secret. You mustn’t tell." She knows that Yang is really worried about her, but it’s difficult for Yang to understand her thoughts. Let’s tell the truth.
Yang charming nodded in the past, "well, don’t worry about this." She still has this letter.
Fang Lianning told the whole story. The more beautiful Yang was, the more shocked he was. "It’s not you, um-"
Fang Lianning covered Yang’s charming mouth nervously and scolded, "I thought we agreed not to tell. Can you calm down? Where are you like this?"
Yang Jiao nodded and lowered the volume a lot. "It’s too bold of you to pretend that you want to come out as a couple."
Fang Lianning is very resistant. "We have never admitted that we are … are not all your own YY? Besides, this is also quite good, which not only protects me but also blocks a lot of rotten peaches for Lao Li."
After what the classic prescription said, Yang Jiao thought about it as if it were really the case. "Gossip hurts people."
Chapter DiYiErLiu So koo
Li Fei glances at each other. Who will sit next to this ice sculpture?
Correct but three seconds finally two people all turned their attention to blasted into the ground.
Even if I don’t want to be blasted into the ground, I finally have to accept my fate and sit next to Jiang Lianqi with two lasagna tears on my face. I understand that he is a cannon fodder!
Li Yu has been pulling Fang Lian lemon amiable Lao homely Li Fei is sitting in the farthest three people happy.
The envy of the people flowed out of the corner of their eyes, and the happiness was all their sadness, not their own.
Jiang Lianqi didn’t want to get too close to the blasted into the ground, and turned aside silently.
Jiang Lianqi didn’t move, but it was okay to move. Little blx broke him again. Is this being rejected? !
Jiang Lianqi Yu Guang has been glancing at Li Fei’s movements and watching three people talking and laughing. Jiang Lianqi’s fist is tightly clenched and his whole body is emitting cold air that freezes to death and doesn’t want anything.
Blasted into the ground, I also noticed that Jiang Lianqi moved a little and some nai looked at him and knew he was angry at this time. Why did you go to pander with other girls? Didn’t you think Li Fei would feel bad? I don’t know where he got angry.
Li Xin shouted at the door of the kitchen, "Li Fei, come and serve food."
Li Fei rose up and Li Yu took Fang Lian-ning and blasted into the restaurant.
Jiang Lianqi silently followed Li Fei without saying a word, and he didn’t know whether to help serve food or what always followed Li Fei into the kitchen.
Wen Renyi glanced at Fang Lianning curiously, but secretly pulled his skirt path. "What are you looking around for?"
"Jiang Lianqi followed Li Ge?" Blasted into the ground.
"What do you care about him? Don’t forget what’s wrong with Lao Li today "Fang Lian lemon didn’t good the spirit woke up.
Li Fei took the lead from the stove and picked up Li Yu’s favorite steamed bass. I hope that Li Yu will stop catching Fang Lian and asking questions like a check.
As soon as I turned around, I found Jiang Lianqi behind me like a ghost. He was startled and nu way, "What are you doing here? Go out without help. Don’t get in the way. Stay away from me! "
"Let me help you" Jiang Lianqi said lightly, and then raised my hand to pick up Li Fei’s hand. Li Fei quickly sidestepped Mr. Make signal with the lips and faced the stove. "Stay away from me! There is still "
Jiang Lianqi looked at Li Fei with some injustice, but Li Fei quickly stopped looking at him like this. Will he be soft-hearted? Dream On!
Jiang Lianqi saw that Li Fei was determined not to get close to him, so he was no longer close. He was familiar with it and took out a candy from Li Fei’s right pocket.
Li Fei was surprised to get it back, but he really couldn’t spare it. If he spilled too much food later, Li Yu would kill him!
Li Fei can stare at Jiang Lianqi with anger and injustice, while the latter peels off the sugar in such eyes and puts it in his mouth, as if he wanted Li Fei to see it and slowed down specially.
Li Fei was angry and nai, and finally, with a cold hum, he set the table with a bang.
Li Yu was shocked by Li Fei’s rudeness. "What’s wrong with you?"
Li Fei gnashed her teeth. "Third sister, you can’t be eccentric this time. That dead face paralysis robbed me and I still feel wronged!"
Li Yu looked at Li Fei followed by Jiang Lian Qi Li Fei also turned and pointed to his grievance against Li Yu. "You see, this is the expression of injustice and koo. He still has reason? !”
Li Yu was silent for a few seconds. "… Xiao Fei, forgive me for being clumsy. I really don’t see any expression on his face. Can you tell whether he is wronged or koo?"
Li Fei looked at Li Yu with disbelief and then pointed his index finger at Jiang Lianqi and shook his finger again and again. "It’s not so embarrassing, Third Sister!"
Li Fei withdrew his hand because he accidentally poked Jiang Lianqi’s cold and tender skin like touching.
Looking at three faces Meng forced three people Li Fei to return to the kitchen again in a sulk.
Jiang Lianqi put the plate in his hand back to the kitchen.
Li Yu looked at Fang Lian-ning and Wen Ren-yi. "Maybe I have a heavy workload recently and my eyes are not very good. Did you two see Xiao Qi’s expression of" grievance and pity "?"
The two men also shook their heads with two faces, and Fang Lian-ning pulled and blasted the game. "I absolutely don’t believe that you can tell the expression from that face if you say that Lao Li is not true love!"
I was amazed at the "I am more Peligo"
It didn’t take long for the food to be served. This time, it was blasted into the ground, and finally it was improper cannon fodder. Because Li night insisted that Li Fei sit with Jiang Lianqi, while Fang Lianning was sitting next to Li Fei.