
"Phoenix adults can’t hear it at all. It’s normal because the road is rugged and rocky, and the wheels are loud and bumpy. Even if Zhang Cure too much makes a noise, we can’t hear it in front of us. If we have any noise, we can’t hear it behind them. Can Phoenix adults hear the sound in front of the emperor? I shouldn’t hear it, should I? "

I really can’t hear you.
Phoenix shadow ink pursed her thin lips and put the window curtain.
Wind his sample HuoAn slightly bent lip Angle.
As soon as the window curtain got off the bus, the light dimmed a lot. Huo An found a comfortable posture and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.
Just as he was about to fall asleep in a daze, there was a sudden "bang-"bang, and his hip bone was numb with a weightlessness.
He opened his eyes in pain and found that the carriage stopped and the body tilted badly
"What’s the matter?" Phoenix shadow ink is obviously not light frown opening and twist a head to look outside.
Outside, the driver was incredible and anxious. "Oh, what can I do if such a thick wheel crossbar is broken?" Roots can’t go. "
The team was also forced to stop.
Including the dragon in front.
Phoenix shadow ink holding HuoAn very not easy to come out from the inclined car and see a yellow eye emperor devoted to thousands of feathers have negative hands standing outside.
Devoted to thousands of feathers, Shen asked the driver who was squatting at the bottom of the carriage to look at him carefully.
Feng Ying’s ink eyes swept away and did not see the figure he wanted to see.
Looks like the carriage didn’t come
Many people don’t have carriages, and most of them look out with their window curtains hanging.
Those two in the dragon’s chariot didn’t even have probes.
The window curtain hangs lightly and tightly.
Zhang Shuo was obviously outside when he heard the noise, because he was already outside when Feng Ying ink came out.
The driver looked at it for a moment before returning to the emperor. "Returning to the emperor may have hit a rock and caused the crossbar to break."
In fact, he doesn’t know why.
If the weight is too heavy to be broken, it is definitely impossible to break it because the crossbar is very thick, not to mention that the weight of two people riding ten people at the same time will not break it.
If there is something wrong with the crossbar, it is impossible. He just checked that the crossbar is solid and there are moths and other bad factors.
If people don’t look like it, it doesn’t look like they were cut off by any sharp weapon because the cross section of the crossbar is not very neat.
Afraid of the emperor’s blame and seeing the exact truth of Lu Shanshi, he made up such a reason.
The emperor frowned deeply at Feng Ying Mo and Huo An, then turned his eyes to Zhang Shuo and suddenly said, "Have you prepared the antidote?"
Zhang Shuo hurriedly bowed down and said, "I haven’t been able to match the horse since I couldn’t see it after dark yesterday. I wish I had been matching the horse this morning."
"If you don’t deserve it, you’re looking for something very quickly. The carriage is faster than anyone else!" Emperor Shen
Zhang Shuo facial expression, a moment quickly said, "I want to see if there is anything I can do for you."
"What can you do to help set the bone? Can you connect the wood?" The emperor sneered at cold hum.
Zhang Shuo’s face was full of color and he couldn’t say a word.
The emperor gave him a cold look again. "Forget it. Now this carriage can’t be helped. Your antidote is almost ready. Let Lord Fengtai and Huo Anxian squeeze you and Duan Wang, and then buy a new one when you pass through town later."
When the emperor finished speaking, he turned his eyes and asked Feng Yingmo, "Is Lord Fengtai OK?"
"I thank you for your arrangement!" Phoenix shadow ink eyes light condensation hanging eyes, and at the same time out of the corner of his eye glanced at the dragon chariot window in front of the eyebrows slightly closed.
"Well, keep moving!"
The emperor left and turned to the dragon chariot.
Phoenix Shadow Ink and Zhang Shuo slowly raised their eyes and followed them until the emperor lifted the car curtain and entered the carriage. Two people closed their eyes and turned around.
I was about to walk to the carriage when I heard the emperor’s surprised and anxious voice say "What’s the matter with you?"
Because the team stopped at this time, the carriages stopped very quietly, which was particularly clear
Then I heard the woman’s slightly painful dumb voice
"I have abdominal pain …"
Abdominal pain? !
Phoenix shadow ink with Zhang Shuo footsteps a lag back at the same time.
Thank you [Cece 1981] [14747897888] [Jiayang Tongtong 61] for kissing Cui Zui ~ ~ Thank you [14747897888] [You Yuran] for kissing flowers ~ ~ Thank you [1337788868] [137715785] [zhanguiyun] [
"I have abdominal pain …"
Abdominal pain? !
Phoenix shadow ink with Zhang Shuo at the same time a lag back to fall.
Face a change at the same time, both eyes turned to plant.
Questions are written in the eyes.
Who is it?